Microsoft Teams
You can set up Microsoft Teams to allow employees to book a room directly in Teams. Once setup, bookings are synchronized automatically between Teams, Outlook and WOX!
Teams Integration requires WOX Premium or Enterprise Plan
Add Rooms to Room list
In order to allow add meeting rooms as locations in Microsoft Teams, the rooms need to be added to Room List first. Unfortunately, this currently can only be accomplished using Microsoft Powershell script.
- WOX Premium or Enterprise Plan
- Microsoft Powershell
- Microsoft Office 365 Administrator account
- List of rooms you'd like to make available on Microsoft Teams. Add them as Resources in Office 365
Set up Room list
If you have not installed powershell (which is available by default on Windows, but need installation on Mac OS X), install it first:
Run Powershell using elevated permissions:
If you're on Mac OS X, open a terminal, and type
sudo pwsh
Enter your local password to continue.
- In Powershell, execute the following commands:
3.1 If you're on Windows, first execute the following commands. Skip this if you are on Mac or Linux.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
3.2 Install ExchangeOnlineModule
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Then Connect to Exchange Online:
A window will pop up to ask for your login. Use Microsoft Office 365 Administrator account to login. After login, you can close the pop up window.
3.3 Create Room List
New-DistributionGroup -Name "MS Teams meeting room" -RoomList
You can change the room list name as you like.
3.4 Add rooms to list
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "MS Teams Roomlist" -Member "Room 1"
The member name can be the name of your room (as in Resources list in Exchange Admin) or its email address.
Continue adding other rooms.
3.5 Check if rooms are added
The following commands return all rooms added in room list:
Get-Mailbox -Filter '(RecipientTypeDetails -eq "RoomMailBox")'
You can also choose to add more than one room list. Use the following command to check room lists:
Get-DistributionGroup -RecipientTypeDetails RoomList
Congrats! Now you can select the rooms in Microsoft Teams and their bookings are synchronized with WOX.